Christina Löwe

Private Practice for Coaching & Counselling

Philosophy, conception of man, professional ethos…

… a website is hardly suitable to adequately present these issues. Nevertheless, you will find a few sentences that should give you some initial pointers for orientation in the following section.

In my practice the focus in not placed on self-optimisation and only rarely on achieving striking goals. However, if you feel that your concern has a substantial relevance for your everyday, professional or life satisfaction, then I am happy to support you. The willingness to engage in a critical examination of oneself is indispensable in this regard.

That it challenges you, doesn’t overwhelm you but takes you where you want to go, or at least a little closer: that’s what it’s all about. I set the framework, lead the process and lay down the basic rules. The purpose it to give you the security that is needed for such a development and to disburden you to some extent.

Our work is inter-subjective. This means, that the insights we arrive at arise from an interplay of our subjective worlds. This in turn means that my subjectivity and fallibility as an observer and impulse mediator is always taken into consideration. We will work in hypothetical approximation to your worlds of experience.


The conception of man…

… which influences and inevitably guides my work, assumes an understandingly emancipated person, meaning someone who is as self aware as possible and can consciously shape their life. I see progress toward the individually meaningful, according to where the person is at the moment, as a part of personal development.


Professional integrity

How do I select my conversational partner?

This is not a topic that can be answered satisfactorily for you with buzzwords either. The following aspects may be helpful if you are seeking developmental support:

  • Your interlocutor has completed several years of training in working with people.
  • Several years of professional experience could be an advantage for the quality of the work.
  • It is advantageous if your interlocutor knows what kind of support/ method/ potentially therapeutic procedure seems most appropriate, can advise the client accordingly and, if necessary, refer them on.
  • While it is not essential for every concern and depends on the choice of method – it would still be nice if your interlocutor gave the impression that they have worked on their moral judgement.
  • In addition, several years of therapeutic self- experience is an advantage, for both coaches working in the field of personal development as well as for therapists of all other schools, when it comes to ensuring that your interlocutor is aware of their own blind spots and that these do not narrow their view of the client and his or her individuality.