Christina Löwe

Private Practice for Coaching & Counselling


For some years now, we have seen that professional psychological services have been becoming increasingly important and are being used by people at different stages of life and for a wide range of issues.

The reasons for this are multifaceted and varied. The core is suspected to lie in the rapid modernisation processes of our time and the significant social change that goes hand in hand with it. This offers opportunities, but may also bring about tangible crises.

When the external reality changes, the person must adapt. Questions of right and wrong, meaning, individuality and togetherness, freedom and responsibility are thereby discussed anew.

Currently, this is still happening very openly. We are freer today than in the past, but we are also more disoriented and confronted with multilayered demands and contradictions daily. The individual is very much left to their own devices. Historically, this may only be a phase- but the impact is tremendous. With the decline of the once guiding institutions and ideologies, it seems to become more urgent for us to create an individual, meaningful framework that provides orientation. And we look for conversational partners to support us in this.

Simultaneously, both life and work continue to become more complex. Mentally more challenging, more intertwined, faster, more uncertain. New ways of thinking and behaving are required here- and these are based on different fundamental convictions than just a few years ago. In order to grow into these new systems, to understand the new basic beliefs and also be able to critically question them, cognitive and emotional developments are advantageous.